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District Office

The MPCSD District Office is located at 181 Encinal Avenue, Atherton, CA. The office is open:

8:00 am -  4:00 pm

The District Office will be closed February 17-21, 2025 for Mid-Winter Break. We will resume regular office hours on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Our Vision

Text says Educating and Empowering students while embracing childhood and adolescence.


What's Happening

First page of district Newsletter for December 2024

MPCSD's Winter 2025 Community Matters newsletter is available to read here. It includes Measure U updates, how to serve on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, MPCSD and local housing development, and more.

A girl harvests plants from a vertical wall

Students in the district’s on-site afterschool care program, Newton Center, Inc. develop critical STEM skills, gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, and learn about sustainable practices with ForkFarm's vertical gardening. MPCSD is excited to have this opportunity to maximize student engagement using traditional hydroponic systems, engaging and inspiring them to explore the fascinating world of plant science. The state's ELOP (expanded learning opportunity program) funds made this possible.

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