California Public Records Act (CPRA)
As a public agency, Menlo Park City School District adheres to the California Public Records Act (CPRA) which requires that governmental records shall be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless there is a specific reason not to do so. Permissible exemptions from disclosure include documents that invade an individual’s right to privacy (e.g., privacy in certain personnel, medical or student records), hinder the government’s need to perform its assigned functions in a reasonably efficient manner (e.g., maintaining confidentiality of investigative records, official information, records related to pending litigation, and preliminary notes or memoranda), or if the public interest in withholding those records clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
The California Public Records Act is for requesting public records that are already in existence. If you are not requesting an existing public record but instead need additional information or wish to pose a question to the District, please click here instead.
Please note the following CPRA guidelines:
There are two ways to submit a Public Records Request:
1. Submit a Public Records Request online using this form.
2. Mail or drop off your request (please include the following information) to the Menlo Park City School District, 181 Encinal Avenue, Atherton, CA 94027, Attention CPRA Request.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, Zip
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
Records Requested (request must be focused and reasonably describe the records(s) being sought)
Preferred Method of Delivery (Email, Postal Service, Fax, Pickup)
Questions about the CPRA process: Please contact the Superintendent's Office at (650) 321-7140 or email
- MPCSD will respond within 10 days from the date the request is received. The response will include the record requested or the estimated date the record will be provided.
- Please include as much information about the record as possible; title, date/s, department, etc.
- MPCSD is not required to create a record or list.
- For faster response, please provide an email address.
- If requesting hard copies, MPCSD will charge requester $0.10 per copy for printing.