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MPCSD LCAP Information

Additional Documents

What is LCAP?

(English) (Spanish)

LCAP Survey 
LCAP Uniform Complaint Procedures:
Any complaint that the district has not complied with legal requirements pertaining to the LCAP may be filed pursuant to AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. (Education Code 52075)


 LCAP Information

LCAP is the funding system for all California public schools. This system, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), requires that every school district is expected to adopt a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and budget.

The LCAP is the funding formula’s vehicle for transparency and engagement. It must describe for each school district and each school within the district, the annual goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students and each subgroup of students identified in Education Code 52052, including students with disabilities. Through the LCAP, districts must describe the specific actions that districts will take to achieve the goals it has identified with budget details that show the type of state expenditure made to support these actions. The state priorities are expressed as metrics for which districts are expected to develop performance measures to demonstrate how LCFF and the LCAP support student outcomes.

The State Board of Education adopted an LCAP template that groups the LCAP eight State Priorities in three areas: Pupil Outcomes, Engagement and Conditions of Learning.


  Pupil Outcomes

Priority 1:
Student Achievement: Pupil achievement as measured by multiple indicators
including, but not limited to, assessment data, college readiness and language proficiency.

Priority 3:
Other Student Outcomes: Pupil outcomes, if available, in the subject areas
comprising a broad course of study.


Priority 5:
Parental Involvement: Parental involvement, including efforts the school
district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each individual school site, and including how the school district will promote parental participation in programs for economically disadvantaged pupils,
English learners, foster youth and individuals with exceptional needs.

Priority 2:
Student Engagement: Pupil engagement as measured by multiple indicators
including, but not limited to, rates associated with attendance, chronic absenteeism, dropout (middle and high school) and high school graduation.

Priority 4:
School Climate: School climate as measured by multiple indicators including,
but not limited to, pupil suspension and expulsion rates as well as other local measures assessing safety and school connectedness

   Conditions of Learning

Priority 6:
Basic Services: Demonstrating compliance with Williams Act requirements.
This includes reporting appropriate teacher assignment, sufficient instructional
materials and facilities in good repair.

Priority 7:
Implementation of Common Core Standards: Implementation of the academic content and performance standards adopted by SBE, including how the programs and services will enable English learners to access the Common Core academic content standards and the English Language Development standards.

Priority 8:
Course Access: The extent to which pupils have access to, and are enrolled in,
a broad course of study that includes core subject areas (i.e., English, mathematics, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, career and technical education, etc.), including the programs and services developed and provided to economically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, foster youth and individuals with exceptional needs.


According to Ed Code 52060 on or before July 1, 2014, the Governing Board of each school district shall adopt a Local Control Accountability Plan (“LCAP”) using a template adopted by the State Board of Education (“SBE”), effective for three years with annual updates. It will include the district’s annual goals for all students and for each subgroup in regard to the eight state priorities and any local priorities, as well as the plans for implementing actions to achieve those

The LCAP requires school districts to describe specific annual goals andnote actual progress towards those goals in its annual updates. Progress must be based on identified metrics, which may be either qualitative or quantitative.

   Goals, Objectives and Measures:

Districts will be required to show that they have increased and improved services for the three areas of targeted students:
English Language Learners
Pupils eligible for free and reduced price meals program
Foster Youth
Special Education
Significant Subgroups
Source: WestEd


Additional Information

LCAP Uniform Complaint Procedures
Any complaint that the district has not complied with legal requirements pertaining to the LCAP may be filed pursuant to AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. (Education Code 52075)

California Department of Education Overview

WestEd Video Overview of LCAP


LCAP Advisory Team Folder