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Disposal of Books and Instructional Materials

The Menlo Park City School District’s policy related to the sale and disposal of books and instructional materials states that surplus or undistributed obsolete instructional materials that are usable for educational purposes may be sold by the district, in which case all of the proceeds of the sale shall be available to acquire basic instructional materials, supplemental instructional materials, or technology-based materials.

Such materials also may be donated to another district, county free library, or other state institution; a United States public agency or institution; a nonprofit charitable organization; or children or adults in California or foreign countries for the purpose of increasing the general literacy of the people. Any organization, agency, or institution receiving obsolete instructional materials donated by the district shall certify to the Board that it agrees to make no charge to any persons to whom it gives or lends these materials.

If you would like more information about the Menlo Park City School District’s disposal of books and instructional materials, please contact Monica Bosch in the Educational Services department at or (650) 321-7140 Ext. 5613