Pesticide Use Report/ IPM
Pesticide Use Reporting/Integrated Pest Management
The Healthy School Act of 2000 with new amendments made in 2015, requires that all schools provide parents and staff members with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites. Menlo Park City School District has developed an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan that relies on long term pest prevention methods and limits the use of pesticides. The IPM program begins with education, habitat management, and alteration of maintenance activities, followed by physical, biological, and then chemical control. We’re happy to report that for 2019 the District did not apply any pesticides in landscaping areas or school buildings.
Link to CA.Gov DPR:
Click to view MPCSD's Pesticide Use 2018
Click to view MPCSD's 2019 Letter - Pesticide Use
Click to view MPCSD IPM Plan