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Physical Health Services

Health Information

Pupils attending school should be in good physical health, without signs of contagious diseases. Parents are asked to keep their sick children home until all signs of contagiousness such as vomiting, diarrhea and fevers have subsided, medication free, for 24 hours. Communicable diseases, including COVID, should be reported to the school office so that exposure notices may be sent to classmates. Basic first aid will be provided by designated school personnel. For more complex injuries and illnesses, parents will be notified and students must be picked up from school immediately. There is a no live lice policy - see Board Policy BP 5141.33 for more information. The district provides vision and hearing screenings for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th and 8th grade students each year, and for students referred by staff or parents.

MPCSD Wellness Board Policy

Nursing Services: MPCSD Nurses Care

Click here for MPCSD's nursing website, including tips for managing health at home, fun wellness activities, recipes, and more! Our nurses are here for you.

Medication at School

If prescribed or over-the-counter medications are to be administered or taken during school hours, a Medication Authorization Form must be completed and returned to the school office with medication(s) before your child begins or returns to school. The student's parent/guardian and authorized health care provider must indicate on the authorization form if the student is allowed to carry and self-administer medication. For students who carry their own medication, it is recommended to have back-up medication in the school office. All medication must be in the original prescription bottle/package. Authorization forms must be completed annually. [California Education Codes 49423 and 49423.1]

The District's Lice Policy

The District policy is a "no live lice" policy. This policy reflects the current recommendations of the California Department of Public Health, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Association of School Nurses.

Head Lice (Pediculosis Capitis)

AAP Clinical Report

Care of Student with Lice

Care of Students with Nits

CDC Lice Information for Schools

Guidelines on Prevention

Head Lice 101

NASN Position Statement- Head Lice Management in the School Setting

Parental Guide to Head-Lice

Additional Web Links

The Special Education web pages include web links to a variety of sites that contain health-related information. In addition, the Student Services Lending Library contains a number of books on topics related to children's health.

Click here for information about the flu and how to protect yourself and your family.  Stop the spread of germs that make you and others sick- Cover your Cough! (Cubra su tos)

Click here for information on proper handwashing.

Bike Helmet Safety

Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents

Concussion Quiz for Parents

Concussion ABC Factsheet

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Diabetes Association

Anxiety Disorders Association of America


CDC-Head Lice Information for Schools

CDC-Heads Up on Concussion

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Child Protective Services

Epilepsy Foundation

Food Allergy Research & Education

Food Assistance

Health Insurance Coverage

Keller Center for Family Violence Intervention About California's Children

Meningitis Prevention

MPCSD Health Forms

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Eating Disorders Association

National Organization for Rare Disorders

Ravenswood Family Health Center

San Mateo County Health Department

San Mateo County Mobile Clinic

San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services

Sequoia Healthcare District

Shots for School: California's website about shots required for students in order to attend school. 

Social Security Administration

Vaccinate Your Family

West Nile Virus

What to Do About the Flu

World Health Organization

Helpful Information

The Role of the 21st Century School Nurse

24-Hour Emergency Phone Numbers: Includes phone numbers for agencies such as the California Poison Control System and the Youth Crisis Hotline.