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School Psychologists

The Menlo Park City School District School Psychologists provide a broad range of services to schools and their communities. School psychologists have specialized training in child development, the educational and psychological foundations of human behavior, research as it applies to educational practices and to students' social and cultural foundations. 

The mission of Menlo Park City School District School Psychologists is to facilitate the educational and emotional development of all students by working collaboratively with school staff, families, and community agencies. Our goal is to promote the professional growth of highly qualified school psychologists who design, organize and provide a broad range of services to the schools and communities in which they work. We use data-based decisions to promote the mental health, welfare and education of our students. We are committed to life-long learning within the profession so that we may approach with knowledge and compassion our goal of improving the lives and opportunities for ALL children, including those with cultural and linguistic diversity.

Laurel Elementary School: Lower and Upper Campuses

Chrissy Platshon, PhD -

Encinal Elementary School

Amelia Fritz, MS -

Oak Knoll Elementary School

Jennifer Ryan, MS -

Hillview Middle School

Judy Werner, MS -

Preschool HOCC

Dr. Lisa Walton, PhD -

District Wellness Coordinator / Mental Health Lead

Chris Arrington, MS -

What does a School Psychologist do?

  • Problem-solve situations in which children have difficulty learning, requiring collaboration with parents, school staff and community agencies.

  • Design, organize and implement, in collaboration with others, interventions to assist problem identification and resolution which affects student learning.

  • Collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students that strengthen connections between home and school. 

  • Provide an understanding of the issue through developmental, cultural, educational, behavioral or psychological perspective.

  • Provide resources to the client to assist problem resolution.

  • Conduct individual or group counseling with children to identify areas of academic or social conflict. The focus of these services is to build replacement skills that positively influence learning and peer/adult relationships.

  • Provide in-classroom training and support to teachers on the implementation of various types of behavioral strategies to improve children’s learning.

  • Provide crisis intervention to children, families, school staff and communities.

  • Provide parent training and information on topics such as social skills, effective instructional strategies, types of disabilities and implications for learning, and current special education laws.

  • Work in collaboration with other school staff to provide in-service in areas of specialized strategies, behavioral strategies, special education laws, and assessment.

  • The purpose of any assessment is to connect this information to the improvement of student learning. The assessment-to-instruction bond is dynamic

  • School psychologists perform diagnostic and performance-based assessments, including: The learning environment, including ecological variables within and outside the school setting that may contribute to difficulties in learning. Student behavior as an indicator of something amiss within the child’s learning environment.

Research & Program Evaluation:
  • Design, organize and implement programs to assist positive student emotional health and learning. Target and use evidence-based practices within these programs.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of these programs through relevant collective data.

  • Collaborate with others to develop programs and grants targeted directly for improving school-wide climate and student learning.

  • Collaborate with others to develop grants and partnerships with outside agencies to train staff in research-based practices that impact student learning.

Resources For Additional Information:

California Association of School Psychologists

National Association of School Psychologists