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Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning - What is SEL and Why SEL Matters

District SEL Programs

MPCSD has three core SEL programs that are used throughout the district.  Each school uses these programs and adds other programs based on the needs of the school.


Second Step Elementary

Project Cornerstone

In addition, each school engages in different concepts of Character Education which teachers children and adults critical thinking, ethical reasoning, conflict resolution, and life skills.

RULER logo with foursquare



RULER Definitions

RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL).  Through training in the RULER approach, teachers and leaders learn the skills to create and sustain a positive emotional climate, as well as support individual development of emotion skills for students and adults.

RULER supports entire school communities in:

Understanding the value of emotions

Building the skills of emotional intelligence

Creating and maintaining positive school climates

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Research shows that emotions influence: 

Foursquare RULER image shows emotions with graphics

Attention, memory, and learning

Decision making


Mental and physical wellbeing

Ability to form and maintain positive relationships

Academic and workplace performance

By acknowledging the value of emotions in our everyday effectiveness, RULER aims to infuse the principles of emotional intelligence into the immune system of each school, informing how leaders lead, teachers teach, students learn, and families support students.


The RULER Tools

RULER tools help people of all ages to use their emotions wisely, opening opportunities for us to succeed in school, at work, and in life. These skills are both personal and social, such that a network emerges with positive changes reinforced.

RULER skill development relies on four core tools, which are introduced to all stakeholders in the school community—school leaders, teachers, staff, students, and families.

Charter: Builds and sustains positive emotional climates by creating agreed-upon norms for how people want to feel and how they can help each other to experience those feelings.

Mood Meter: Enhances self- and social awareness and supports the development of a nuanced emotion vocabulary and a range of strategies for regulating emotion.

Meta-Moment: Provides a process for responding to emotional situations with strategies that align with one’s best self and that support healthy relationships and personal well-being.

Blueprint: Supports the development of empathy and conflict resolution skills by serving as a guide for reflecting on conflict and restoring affected communities.

Second Step Elementary

Second Step is one tool used by our Elementary Counselors when teaching SEL lessons in the classroom.  We know that children need social-emotional skills to thrive both in the classroom and in life. Social-emotional learning curricula teach children techniques to:

  • Gain confidence

  • Set goals

  • Make better decisions

  • Collaborate with others in work and play

  • Navigate the world more effectively

Second Step SEL concepts provide an extra dimension to education, focusing on improving cooperation, communication, and decision-making. In a world where emotional intelligence is critical for lifelong happiness, successful careers, and healthier relationships, SEL gives students a framework for developing these skills.

Project Cornerstone

Project Cornerstone Logo

With the financial support of the Sequoia Healthcare District, Menlo Park City School District is working with the YMCA of Silicon Valley to bring services to our schools. Project Cornerstone provides a range of services which MPCSD has been using for many years. Just this past year, we have used:

Middle School SEL Program

Staff Development Workshops

Take it Personally - Parent Workshop

Preschool / TK Asset Building